Module 2 Introduction to Visual Research

Week One – Brilliant day. I went home feeling absolutely exhausted. Today was so different to foundation. I didn’t really enjoy life drawing on foundation, I haven’t got the patience to stand still for a long period of time, and because I am a slow worker I would never finish my drawings. Today I really enjoyed though, it was something different and quirky. Using all sorts of mediums and techniques. Looking forward to next week already.IMG_3084

Week Two – Analytically drawing Jan. Kill me now. Today didn’t get off to the best of starts, after having the freedom to be so expressive last week and having the freedom to do what we wanted, this week was hard to get back into the swing of being so analytical. Iwan, fair play to him kept pushing us and pushing us, and after all it wasn’t really that bad! This week I learnt that sometimes I am going to have to do things I really don’t enjoy doing.

Week Three

Week Four – I don’t know what it is but Wednesday mornings just don’t seem to be really working with me lately. Another rubbish start to the day with one of my bad moods. When I walked into the life room and saw Jan posing nicely in the middle of the room I instantly thought ‘here we go again another bloody analytical drawing’ but god was I wrong. What a bloody brilliant day! Yes Jan was posing nicely in the middle of the room, but there was a twist there was other objects around the room, and we had FREEDOM! in the end my work look absolutely nothing like Jan, but I was pleased with how it looked.IMG_2891

Note to self – don’t jump to conclusions!

Week Five – Another fantastic week! Maybe Wednesdays are working for me after all. Quite similar to last week we had Jan and other random objects around Jan such as tape, a mirror, pieces of string all sorts. We were working large scale as well, for some reason in Iwan’s classes I enjoy working on large scale but when I’m in the studio by myself large scale scares me!

I like taking risks in Iwan’s classes and my risks seem to be paying off, each piece is totally different.
Mark making, depth and tone, these three words I will never ever forget!

Week Seven

Week Eight – Outside, please no it’s sooo cold. I wrapped up warm and off I went. Maybe I was too cold or maybe it just wasn’t for me but I didn’t enjoy this morning! Organic was the key word for today, but organic wasn’t for me. I was trying my best to push myself to try my best and enjoy myself but it just wasn’t happening.IMG_2898

Week Nine

Week Ten – It would help if I was organized, maybe if I was organized I would enjoy the day better, and be ready for the day ahead.

Two out of three objects I brought in, then we started drawing our objects using charcoal, unhappy Hanna, I hate charcoal. My day was getting worse, and I felt sorry for Emrys because it looked like I wasn’t enjoying the lesson but I was just that nothing was going my way.#
Note to self – be more organized.


Week Eleven – Everyone’s stress levels are pretty high at this moment. Assessment week is next week, and no one seems to be organized. So much to do so little time. Last week this week with Emrys, today is a better day, we have more freedom today than we had last week. I decided to work small scale today, rather than large scale last week, my drawings were inspired by last weeks work, taking bits of last weeks work and working on them to make a smaller sketchbook. I was pleased with the outcome and so was Emrys.


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